Unmatched Realism
Guardian Centers has the subject matter experts with real world experience to offer the best CBRNE training available and with our 830-acre training complex, we offer the size and scale needed to fully test the limits of individual and organizational CBRNE and HazMat capabilities at all levels of complexity. More important, we have the flexibility to focus on unit-specific training objectives; and the capacity to execute expansive joint-operational, cross-functional exercises on a large scale - all with unmatched realism.
Expansive Capabilities
Contaminated Environments
Whether it's a structural collapse, metro tunnel, highway tunnel, or confined space our training and exercise development has the capability to include Search and Rescue operations which can be conducted in recreated contaminated environments for a real-world experience. -
Decontamination and Quarantine Operations
Our staff and facilities provide training in individual or mass casualty decontamination in unique situations to include, but not limited to, processing patients (both ambulatory and non-ambulatory), first responder FPL decon support (firefighters, law enforcement, etc), decon of samples and equipment, large animal decon, water operations utilizing hydrants or drafting, full site operations due to patient volume, and decontamination requirements associated with radiation, chemical, or biological contamination. -
Radiological Isotope Surveys
Our training partner, Qal-Tek, possesses a radioactive materials inventory which includes industrial isotopes, medical isotopes and Special Nuclear Materials for training. Qal-Tek's vast source inventory along with advanced employment of radiation sources allows us to create large radiation dose fields, realistic WMD scenarios and the opportunity to exercise radiological response tactics, techniques and procedures in a safe yet challenging environment. -
Clandestine Labs
Guardian Centers creates realistic clandestine laboratories focusing on chemical, biological, radiological or explosive materials. Using live or simulant materials, training participants gain experience in all phases of the response from identification to sampling to mitigation. -
Low/High Flow O2 Environments
Using Guardian Centers designed hazardous atmosphere chambers, we have the capability to create experiences that vary the flow of oxygen to the response teams to test equipment confidence and every possible variable. -
Live or Simulant Materials
Guardian Centers has the licensing and certifications for the utilization of live or simulant chemicals, biological toxins, destructive devices, and our training partner, Qal-Tek, has the licensing for radiological sources. This capability gives our clients the best training value as well as real world immersion.
I’ve seen a lot of sites around the world – this is the most complex site I’ve ever seen.
Chris Schaff
Fairfax County Fire Department Battalion Chief and Commander VA-TF1
This is the only [facility] that I’ve seen that has all of these venues here on one site. It’s like picking off a menu. You tell them I want this, this being this and this is how I want it done and they make it happen.
Chris Schaff
Fairfax County Fire Department Battalion Chief and Commander VA-TF1